Make the most of your yearly goals by gaining access to this Business Psychic Laser Session that is to give you tailored made guidance on all aspects of your business that are to help you reach the success you are meant to in the most aligned way to YOU.
What type of Programs & Services Should i offer in 2025?
How aligned am i with the niche i serve as well as my content creation and messaging?
Where do i focus my 1-2-1 work on?
What prices am i aligned to charge?
What do i need to shift to start charging higher?
What needs tweaking in the existing way im running my business & services?
Am i ready to start a group program?
If not what do i need to do to be more ready?
What needs to be my business planning & strategy in 2025?
What are the most aligned launch dates for me in 2025?
Where shall i focus my personal development in 2025 so i maximise my business growth?
Who is my business spirit guide and how can i connect with them as often as i want?
Business Psychic Laser Session: £222
(from £333)
The above questions are only SOME of the areas we will be covering In this in-depth, no stone left unturned psychic business laser consultation, where we will dive DEEP into what the energy of 2025 is asking of you and your business both energetically and practically in order to reach the success you desire.
More specifically we will:
★ Dive into your existing offerings & services and see what is in and out of alignment.
★ Identify how aligned out of 100% you are with your niche and target audience.
★ Where your focus is meant to be in 2025 to maximise your impact and growth.
★ Launch dates for all your services and programs.
★ What needs shifting in your energy and business and how to create it.
★ Most aligned business strategy to you for next year.
★ What new new content you are meant to be creating and in what way is it best packaged in.
★ Any other life + personal development needed that will impact your business growth
And anything else that comes up through the guides as well as your own personal questions!
So you are advised to make a list of them and bring everything to the table on the day of our session.
Business Psychic Laser Session: £222 (from £333)
More specifically we will:
★ Dive into your existing offerings & services and see what is in and out of alignment.
★ Identify how aligned out of 100% you are with your niche and target audience.
★ Where your focus is meant to be in 2025 to maximise your impact and growth.
★ Launch dates for all your services and programs.
★ What needs shifting in your energy and business and how to create it.
★ Most aligned business strategy to you for next year.
★ What new new content you are meant to be creating and in what way is it best packaged in.
★ Any other life + personal development needed that will impact your business growth
And anything else that comes up through the guides as well as your own personal questions!
So you are advised to make a list of them and bring everything to the table on the day of our session.
Business Psychic Laser Session: £222 (from £333)
Once payment is made, please book your appointment time slot HERE
Me and the guides are looking forward to serving you and helping you experience maximum impact and growth in 2025 and beyond!
Warm Wishes
Samaya ★
Vibrational Priestess & Soul Star Oracle
Helping you Create Deep Impact Through Core Alignment with your Magic & Spiritual Gifts
Me and the guides are looking forward to serving you and helping you experience maximum impact and growth in 2025 and beyond!
Warm Wishes
Samaya ★
Vibrational Priestess & Soul Star Oracle
Helping you Create Deep Impact Through Core Alignment with your Magic & Spiritual Gifts