Next round begins in February '25
This Soul Star Oracle Certified Mentorship is for you if...
You are either a total beginner or intermediate
to psychic development and curious to explore it & deepen it as a skill.
You want to open up your gifts and grow them in a down to earth and
tangible way like a beautifully well planted seed growing in your garden.
You are interested in learning a tangible skill to help you make better decisions
& gain deeper insight in all areas of your life, love, family, career.
You want to get deeper access to the needs of your children, pets, family & loved ones
beyond what they get to share with you on surface level or are even able to describe
(great tool when working with those less able to communicate efficiently).
You want to offer solutions to your clients by getting laser focused insight and
understanding in their needs, growth areas and misalignments.
You want to start a new vocational career as a Soul Star Oracle Guide
under well supported consistent practice and community that builds
DEEP trust and enhances your confidence as a reader.
You wish to learn to read energy EFFICIENTLY and to a comprehensive level,
including blocks & misalignments, to get to the truth of the matter.
You want to activate your connection to your higher self and come into
deeper alignment with the version of life you wish to create.
You desire to live your life in a more soul & intuitive lead way
and to access more answers from within your soul.
Activate your Gifts, Expand & Grow
The 4 Month Accredited Mentorship Contains:
🧿 16 Weekly Live Tutorials where we meet over Zoom (Lifetime Access)
🧿 In depth Workbooks to anchor the teachings further - (Lifetime Access)
🧿 Energy Clearings to assist you on personal energy blocks (Lifetime Access)
🧿 Energy Audio Practice to help you neutralise your energy & raise your vibration (LA)
🧿 Weekly Soul Star Oracle practice in both group calls & in between calls, helping you
grow your skills and in a dedicate community of like minded people.
🧿 Weekly opportunity for Q&As to help you ground your insights, lessons and
understanding on all aspects of reading energy and all that it involves.
🧿 A dedicated practice buddy you can deepen your skill with and
grow together during the course and beyond if you wish to.
🧿 A certificate of completion to celebrate your new found skill, practice and commitment
to showing up as a Soul Star Oracle Reader in your life & work should you wish to.
Practice will be weekly
Lifetime Access to Recordings & Workbooks
A Soul Star Oracle is someone connected to the deepest part of her /his intuition.
Unlike popular belief, seeing things with our psychic sense is not something only a few
can do but something totally natural that everyone is experiencing AT ALL TIMES.
In fact just like a seed in the soil, our psychic intuition needs a bit of water and sunshine
for it to start growing and for us to realise it was there all along right under our noses!
Soul Star is our 8th chakra just above the crown also known as "The Seat of The Soul"
aka the home of our higher self.
Most students have found that accessing this level of untapped intuition
has brought a laser focused guidance + clarity that they did not anticipate.
For far too long we have said yes when we wanted to say no.
and for far too long we have said no when we desperately wanted to say yes.
when we don't listen to our intuition, we abandon our souls.
and when we abandon our souls, we do so because we are afraid if we don't,
others will abandon us.
"When Women Were Birds"
By Terry Tempest Williams
Course Curriculum:
▲ Learning to Raise your Energy & Get Yourself & Your Bias Out of the Way ▲
▲ Understanding and Tapping into the Right Mindset for Reading Energy ▲
▲ Learning an energetic practice that helps your energy stay neutral ▲
▲ Learning the Foundations for Reading Energy that you will
be returning to over and over again ▲
▲ Learning to Craft & Good Questions for Better Results & Insights ▲
▲ Learning to read the Energies of People, independent of location ▲
▲ Learning to Read Situational Energies: Events, Businesses, Dynamics, Projects etc. ▲
▲ Learning to Read the Energy of Your Home and what it needs/ doesn't need,
for you to thrive ▲
▲ Learning to Read Energy Through The Chakra System and using the information
to understand Blocks, Misalignments, Energy leaks ▲
▲ FREE WILL IN PSYCHIC READINGS: How to Exercise Your Free Will
and how it affects Destiny and Fate. ▲
▲ SIGNS & SYNCHRONICITIES: What They Are and How to Decode Them and
Moral decisions around sharing Information. ▲
▲ PROTECTION & GROUNDING when reading energy, disconnecting from those you read
when the reading is over and keeping your energy in tact. ▲
▲ Honing into each of your specific gifts & grounding into
your unique & personal reading style. ▲
▲ ENERGY WORK: We will do energy work to help clear your blocks around
your intuitive and psychic gifts and your current blocks around using them. ▲
People might do so, but our energy CANNOT lie.
Learning to read energy on a deeper intuitive level gives you a real advantage in life,
in your work and personal experiences as you learn to understand others better
whilst tapping to a much deeper dimension of being and expression.
How useful would the development and connection
to your Soul Oracle be in your life?
How Your Soul Star Oracle Skills Can Enhance Your Life:
▲ Tending better to the actual needs of yourself and your family ▲
▲ Seeing things with more clarity unattached from your emotions ▲
▲ Get closure on situations you were not able to fully access before ▲
▲ Understanding what people really mean beyond what they say ▲
▲ Make better every day life decisions in your personal and family life ▲
▲ Making better every day decisions in your professional life + business ▲
▲ Gaining laser focus insight into your clients' challenges, needs & misalignments ▲
▲ A deeper trust in yourself leading into a deeper safety + ability to expand & grow ▲
▲ By Living life in a more intuitive lead way and accessing more answers from within you▲
How much would would all this change your life?
I have silences burried so deep |
Hi, Im Samaya, As a Soul Star activator and a divine feminine initiate, i know how deeply heavy and burdensome the journey to our true self can be. A journey with more twists and turns than a game of snakes and ladders, and one where the road can feel never ending whilst we can often find ourselves lost, dazed and confused by it all. This can be a real issue when we are showing up in our lives, relationships, careers and businesses and not feeling we are doing so from a place of 100% aligned expression of ourselves and our gifts, our sovereign truth, our pleasure and presence. However not all is lost. This deeply personal journey that often feels guided through an invisible road map, actually has some significant landmarks that hold valuable keys of activation for us all. The tricky thing is that these are not visible with the physical eye, but hidden under the surface.. ready to access, unlock and enjoy. I have found that activating our Soul Star intuition allows us to re calibrate our vision, solidify our connection to our higher self & deepen our connection with the language of the soul. Bringing my experience as an energy reader & teacher with over 15 years of facilitation, im honoured to be your guide at this time. Does this feel expansive & right for you? Take a moment to feel into it & i promise to make your time worth while. Samaya x |
Your Oracle skills will remain a gift if you treat it as such.
Time to unwrap & enjoy it!
Amanda Maria Donnelly
Soul Star Oracle Certified Graduate
Samaya is deeply dedicated to helping psychics develop their gifts in the Blooming Experience. She created a unique meditation for us specifically to assist with readings. Samaya created a fun learning atmosphere by setting up a safe space for play and creative thing's to practice on. She gave us ways to get into our own psychic dictionary, explore different reading styles and gave incremental guidance within every step. She encouraged us to push ourselves by experimenting with different perspectives, and within our physical space. The handouts we received are the perfect aid to help us learn what questions to ask, prompts for inner work and the chakra system. I specifically loved the guidance and practice around pet reading and their environment.
Samaya took extra time to check in on us and cater to things that were coming up within the modules. I highly recommend the Blooming Experience for anyone interested in working with their abilities and how to expand on them with an experienced teacher.
Jolene Tieben
What I loved the most about Blooming, the 3 month Psychic Development Course was how Samaya would push me outside my comfort zone. She would put me on the spot to tune into different people and guide me to ask more questions to dive deeper. It was here that I felt I really grew. it was uncomfortable at times but nobody grows in comfort. I definitely trust my intuition more since doing the course and highly recommend it!
Emma O’Brien