Learn to Meditate in 6 Weeks E-Course
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
I've got a very busy life and im worried that i won't be able to do the e-course in 6 weeks, can i take longer if i want to?
Once i purchase the e-course, do i get each session at a time or the whole of the e-course? In what format do we get the e-course in? Do i need to have any meditation experience to do this E-Course? Can this e-course benefit me if i've already been meditating for a while? I happen to be religious, how likely is for this e-course to disrupt my existing faith? Is this e-course simply technique and does it cover any spiritual perspective at all? How difficult are the play tasks that we get at the end of each session? How much time do the weekly play tasks take to do? |
Who do i contact for any technical problems that i might be having with the e-course download?
I just completed the e-course and have some new arising questions about meditation practice, who can i contact to get some answers? I want to gift this E-Course to someone, how do i go about it? Im not sure i can risk not liking this e-course, how can i safely try it out first? I know what charity i want to get the bit from my e-course purchase, who do i let know about it? Is gift aid added to the charity contribution from my purchase of the e-course? Im not sure who i want my charity contribution through the purchase of the e-course to go to. Where does that money go then? When do i start receiving my bonuses? Will this e-course cure my illness? Will this e-course |