Changing yourself, changing the world...
In every e-course purchased from this website, £2 will be donated to any of the charities below as i believe in positive contribution and giving back. I really love the idea that whilst an e-course is an investment to yourself, it is on the same time a contribution to the community. You just let me know which charity you wish to help.
Here are the charities you can support through this initiative:
Ditch the label is a dynamic anti-bullying charity based in Brighton East Sussex, that supports and campaigns against bullying of any sort on a national level. I was attracted to this charity for the fact that they tackle all sort of discrimination against any area of our experience ranging from sexuality, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, and any other aspect that is associated with identity. Apparently it takes £2.27 to help one person and if you visit their site you can see all sort of ways you could be of help if you wished to do so. I am very excited to be contributing towards this awesome project through your contribution to the spirit portal e-courses.

Orkidstudio is a very unique Scottish charity in that they bring their love for architecture as well as sustainable yet stylish living, together with humanitarian aid work in Africa and Asia. In other words, these people build really cool spaces in deprived communities utilising the most of the resources they are given. Please check out their page for more information and to find out how their money is being distributed in their projects.

The honeypot is an amazing London based children's charity that makes sure that young children who have chaotic home lives either due to looking after a vulnerable parent, or due to being mistreated from abusive parents, get to experience a bit of normal childhood through respite holidays, outreach services and activities, or through long term after care and support wherever needed. Have a look at their website for more information and in case you feel drawn to support them independently too.

Jessie's fund is a fantastic York based charity that brings the healing power of music to severely disabled children around the UK. It does that through providing music therapy to children's hospices and disability schools, as well as music programmes and music therapy trainings to people working with children in the UK. I felt compelled to support the work of this charity as i know the deep healing power of music both from personal experience as well as through my work with psychiatric patients at a London hospital. The power of music is absolutely immense in healing and again im very happy for us to be contributing to this project. Please click on the image on the left to find out more about their fantastic work.