Have you ever been drawn to learning to read energy
but haven't known where to start?
Perhaps you worked with a psychic before or know people that see "images"
with their 3rd eye that gives them access to important information that
helps them make better decisions.
Or simply you find yourself curious and would be interested in knowing
what reading energy can be like.
Some of you might even feel already open with your gifts as a sensitive
and an empath and would be interested to see how you can use some
more tools in your toolbox to bring to your work and personal life.
If you resonate with on any of the above,
then it might be time to start stretching your...
Welcome to the FREE Masterclass
"Let's Stretch Your Psychic Muscle"
In this FREE Class You Will Find Out:
1. The 5-Steps to Reading Energy.
I give you the exact breakdown plus
what is needed for you to do it successfully
AND will connect you to your own personal psychic dictionary.
2. The MINDSET and mental set up you need in order
to get yourself ready to read energy and start
working with your psychic muscle often.
3. What is the ideal intention + motivation to keep you
learning and developing your practice for both visual/non visual learners.
4. You will also receive a collective energy activation and healing
helping you release your blocks to your psychic gifts, psychic vision
and showing up in the world with all your spiritual gifts and prowess.
Unlike popular belief, seeing things with our psychic sense is not something a few can do but actually something totally natural that everyone is experiencing at all times.
In fact Just like a muscle, seeing with our psychic vision is something that needs a little bit of stretching to even notice that is there!
Yet using your psychic muscle is less of a work out at the gym and more entertaining
like watching a movie!
Do you like going to the pictures?
Well you're in for a treat cause watching the images projected from your
3rd eye is JUST like going to the movies!
Are you up to give it a go with the help of a full blown psychic medium?
If so here is your chance, join the workshop!
"Opening up to perceive and interact with subtle energies can drastically change our life.
It can help us find clarity, bring peace into our life, help empower ourself and others
and create effective change within our world."
Mat Auryn, Author + Psychic Witch
Areas that my Psychic Vision has Enhanced in my Life:
▲ Tending better to the actual needs of myself and my family ▲
▲ Seeing things with more clarity unattached from my emotions ▲
▲ Get closure on situations i was not able to fully access before ▲
▲ Understanding what people really mean beyond what they say ▲
▲ Make better every day life decisions in my personal and family life ▲
▲ Making better every day decisions in my professional life + business ▲
▲ Understanding my clients' needs, exceeding their own awareness even ▲
▲ A deeper trust in myself lead into a deeper safety + ability to expand & grow ▲
And i want you to have access to all this too!
Hi, Im Samaya, As a psychic soul activator and a divine feminine initiate, i know how deeply heavy and burdensome the journey to our true self can be. A journey with more twists and turns than a game of snakes and ladders, and one where the road can feel never ending whilst we can often find ourselves lost, dazed and confused by it all. This can be a real issue when we are showing up in our lives, relationships, careers and businesses and not feeling we are doing so from a place of 100% aligned expression of ourselves and our gifts, our sovereign truth, our pleasure and presence. However not all is lost. This deeply personal journey that often feels guided through an invisible road map, actually has some significant landmarks that hold valuable keys of activation for us all. The tricky thing is that these are not visible, but hidden under the surface.. ready to access, unlock and enjoy the moment we choose to activate our psychic intuition and start looking into the unseen. Where do we start from? How about we start by stretching our psychic muscle and realising it was there all along? Bringing my shamanic divine femme guidance and over 15 years of facilitation, im honoured to be your guide at this time. Does this feel expansive and right for you? If so, come along and i promise to make your time worth the while. Sx |
Mindset Set up + 5-Step Psychic Muscle Practice + Energy Activation
“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud. C.G.Jung |
This new home is tailor made for me, I know in every cell it’s a result of the healing and the inner work and shifting we’ve been doing together and on my own as well. I can’t believe it Samaya I’m truly humbled and amazed at what can happen in my life as a result of playing with new perspectives and new behaviors!
Molly W.